Scholarships & Bursaries
Check out and apply for awards to help your post-secondary dreams come true!!
Application Procedures
- Carefully read the Scholarship/Bursary Application Kit
- Copy/check full award criteria or special applications (in the counselling office)
- Use the checklist at the back of the Application Kit to help stay organized
- Ask the Counselling Secretary or print your student transcripts from the
Student Transcript Service (STS) - Prepare a master cover letter and resume. These may need to be edited depending on the award you are applying for and what information they are seeking from the recipient.
- Ask two people for letters of reference. Ensure you give them plenty of time and a copy of your resume.
Every package should include:
- Completed application form (standard or special)
- Cover letter
- Award resume
- Transcript
- Reference letter(s)
Packages are due to the counselling office to be delivered to the donors by:
FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 2025 ……. Do NOT mail/deliver them yourself.
See what awards are available this year! Download the list in order for links to work.
List Instructions
Scholarship & Bursary List 2025

Forms For Applying
These forms are fillable or can be printed and filled out by hand…choose your preference.
Standard Application Form
Financial Need Form
School Declaration Form
Reference Request Form
Check each award criteria to ensure you are using the correct application form. Some have special application forms.